Introducing the InterpreMed Ambassador Program
We here at InterpreMed are excited to announce the brand new InterpreMed Ambassador Program! Through our live medical interpreting practice sessions, the InterpreMed team has the unique opportunity of seeing aspiring medical interpreters in action, enabling us to identify talented individuals who are prepared to put their skills to use in the field. The Ambassador Program seeks to make the most of this opportunity by connecting eligible members with volunteer interpreting opportunities with charitable organizations serving the limited English proficient community.
The Ambassador Program is being launched as the result of our very first partnership with a nonprofit organization near and dear to our co-founder Kelly Grzech’s heart: Access Now. V
Many aspiring medical interpreters struggle to find volunteer opportunities to bridge the gap between medical interpretation training, certification, and employment. In addition, many of these interpreters-to-be often ask themselves, “Am I even ready to interpret in the field?” Deciding to transition from practicing medical interpretation with scripts and videos to interpreting for real, live medical visits can be a difficult decision to make on your own. This is why the Ambassador Program relies on a nomination, screening, and training process, to not only ensure quality interpretation, but also to give aspiring interpreters the boost of confidence and assurance they may need to know they’re ready!
Access Now was one of the organizations Kelly volunteered with at the beginning of her medical interpreting career, after she graduated from the Spanish-English Translation and Interpretation program at Virginia Commonwealth University, but before she landed her first job in the field as a bilingual patient advocate at a local safety net clinic. As recently as 2020 Kelly still volunteered with the organization, providing telephonic interpretation for patients seen at participating providers through Access Now during the COVID-19 pandemic. While it’s difficult for her to continue to volunteer with her busy schedule, Kelly has still been wanting to give back through Access Now in some way.
If it weren’t for InterpreMed, Nanyi and Kelly would not have met as many talented interpreters as they have, nor would they have the opportunity to become so well-acquainted with the skills and abilities of the members who participate in InterpreMed’s live practice sessions. The talent and dedication of InterpreMed members, along with the ever-present need of charitable organizations for volunteer interpreters, were the catalysts for the Ambassador Program, which will enable the InterpreMed team to do something they’ve always wanted to do: give back to the community!
To learn more about the InterpreMed Ambassador Program, visit its brand-new page on our website!