Note-taking/Memory Club

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This course is available for Pro, +Memory Club, and Master+Memory Club members. All members can join the live meetings

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Course Content

Unforgettable Notes Series
On Memory Retention and Note-taking
Basic note-taking/symbol practice
Dictations (words to symbols)
Phrases to symbols
Slow and fast segmentation (shadowing)
Symbol transcriptions
Past memory club meetings


  1. James Kim


    My name is James Kim who joined master-memory club. My ID is jkim93955. Thank you for all your study material and tools for healthcare interpreter on your website. I just passed written for NBCMI. I have to prepare for oral test in the future. But I have few questions.
    How can I download for symbolics glossary? I tried but failed. The message come out pay $50.00 for download.
    Can I download with scripts for your consecutive practice lectures on YouTube too?
    I am gona use YouTube + interpreMed on Google ? It there any limitation using YouTube. Please let me know. Thank you.

    • Nanyi Mateo (CMI and CHI Spanish)


      Hi, James Kim. Thank you for becoming a member! I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying your membership and congratulations on passing the written exam!

      The symbols glossary is available in digital form only so it’s not downloadable. We’re working on creating a written version that should be published sooner than later. I double checked your account and your membership allows you to access the online symbols glossary from any device. If you go to the top menu, hover over practice material, then note-taking, then ”Nanyi’s Symbols Glossary”, it will show the full glossary. Here’s the direct link for ease of access: if you have any trouble visualizing this glossary, feel free to reach out at

      We post fragments of our practice materials on Youtube. You can find the full audios, scripts, and translations here at The scripts are not downloadable, but you can access them any time from a connected device. We post all of our scripts on our study guides which you can access from the top menu and/or our ”Practice Material” tab on the top menu as well.

      There are no limitation on using Youtube. As you’re going to take the oral exam, I highly recommend that you check our NCBMI/CCHI Oral Exam study guide available to our members-only. It include great content targeting many of the exam topic areas included in Candidate Handbooks. You can find it under All Study Guides or here’s the link as well for ease of access:

      If you have any other questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out! 🙂

    • Angela Bonilla


      Hello James, i would like to prepare for the NBCMI exam, since you just passed the text, around how long did you study to pass?

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