1. Review these flashcards

2. Practice with the following audios


You will listen to a list of words, not complete sentences.

Write down every word with a symbol (ideally, the one provided in the flashcards above, but you can also create your own symbol!)

You can practice several times with the same audio on different days.

  1. Night, Week, day, months, number, past, future, building, left, right, tomorrow, 
  2. Right, Weekly, construction, night, future, digit, morning, previously, left, monthly
  3. number, past, building, months, left, day, future, Week, tomorrow, night
  4. Monthly, right, morning, tomorrow, build, left, future, Weekly, count, previously
  5. Week, day, left, tomorrow, past, future, months, figure, building, night
  6. Weekly, sun, tomorrow, monthly, number, previous, future, building, left
  7. months, day, tomorrow, right, building, left, future, Weekly, code, past, night 
  8. Tomorrow, Week, building, future, numerical, summer, former, left, months, right
  9. Right, Weekly, day, left, past, future, monthly, number, building, tomorrow
  10. count, previous, building, tomorrow, months, left, morning, future, Week, right
  1. here, appointment, phone, address, information, object, process, house, name, time, difficult
  2. moment, here, location, procedure, thing, inform, name, apartment, cellphone, date, issue
  3. information, address, problematic, now, wait, object, process, name, phone, house, appointment
  4. stuff, phone, dwelling, time, schedule, locate, informative, name, processing, here
  5. house, timing, name, object, phone, appointment, processed, information, address, problem
  6. process, area, time, now, informative, name, residence, phone, location, date, difficult 
  7. appointment, here, wait, telephone, information, address, object, procedure, house, name, difficult
  8. home, name, how, zone, moment, phone, address, schedule, process, inform
  9. object, phone, house, appointment, time, address, information, name, processed, problematic
  10. information, thing, time, processing, name, phone, apartment, date, location, problem

3. Practice consecutive interpreting

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