Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
1. Watch the following video about epilepsy: Epilepsy
2. Review the following documents:
Seizure/epilepsy terms comparison Seizure/epilepsy register grid
3. Review/translate the following glossary and flashcards:
SPANISH SPEAKERS: Click here to review the English-Spanish seizures glossary #1 |
1. Complete the following memory exercise:
2. Practice with the following flashcards:
SPANISH SPEAKERS: Click here to review the English-Spanish seizures glossary #1 |
1. Complete the following consecutive exercise Childhood seizures
Click here to access the English-Spanish consecutive exercise |
1. Sight translate the following documents:
Vagus nerve stimulator (informed consent)
Vagus nerve stimulator (post-op instructions)
Epilepsy or seizures discharge instructions
2. Practice with these flashcards
SPANISH SPEAKERS: Click here to review the English-Spanish seizures glossary #1
3. Practice consecutive interpreting with the scenario:
SPANISH SPEAKERS: Click here to access the English-Spanish ”Temporal lobe epilepsy” exercise. |
Practice simultaneous interpreting with this audio: Patient stories about seizures
2. Repeat this memory exercise:
2. Complete the following quiz:
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