As an InterpreMed member, you get the following:

  • Weekly Zoom meetings for live medical interpreting practice, discussion and feedback in language-specific groups
  • Consecutive interpreting practice audio recordings with scripts and terminology analysis
  • Total beginner, beginner, intermediate and advanced levels
  • Medical terminology exercises about all medical departments, phrases and idioms (quizzes, flashcards, low-register vs. high register grids, fill in the blanks, etc.)
  • Symbols/note-taking training and practice
  • Memory retention exercises
  • Language-specific Facebook groups for forum discussion
  • Access to monthly activities like: book club, championships, challenges, etc.
  • English-Spanish medical glossary with definitions of medical terms
  • Useful resources with: specialized glossaries and useful links for medical interpreters.



Master + Memory Club

+ Memory club


$25.00 per Month.

$99.00 every 6 Months.

$299.00 now and then $250.00 every 12 Months.

$30.00 per Month.

  Select Select Select Select
InterpreMed Study Guides Yes Yes Yes Yes
Live Practice Meetings Yes Yes Yes Yes
Free CEUs No Yes Yes Yes
Consecutive Medical Interpreting Exercises (Language-Neutral) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Educational Interpreting Exercises (All Interpreting Modes) No Yes Yes Yes
Consecutive Medical Interpreting Exercises (EN-ES) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Basic Note-Taking Exercises Yes Yes Yes Yes
Simultaneous Medical Interpreting Exercises (EN and ES) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Medical Sight Translation Exercises Yes Yes Yes Yes
Medical Vocabulary Exercises (Language-Neutral) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Medical Vocabulary Exercises (EN-ES) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ethics and Standards of Practice Yes Yes Yes Yes
Note-Taking and Memory Retention Club No Yes Yes Yes
Ethics Club No Yes Yes Yes
Basic Symbols Glossary Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nanyis (Advanced) Symbols Glossary No No Yes No
  Select Select Select Select

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