As an InterpreMed member, you get the following:
- Weekly Zoom meetings for live medical interpreting practice, discussion and feedback in language-specific groups
- Access to all previous Zoom meetings’ recordings
- Consecutive interpreting practice audio recordings with scripts and terminology analysis
- English-Spanish and Language Neutral (English only) exercises for all other languages
- Total beginner, beginner, intermediate and advanced levels
- Medical terminology exercises about all medical departments, phrases and idioms (quizzes, flashcards, low-register vs. high register grids, fill in the blanks, etc.)
- Symbols/note-taking training and practice
- Memory retention exercises
- Language-specific Facebook groups for forum discussion
- Access to monthly activities like: book club, championships, challenges, etc.
- English-Spanish medical glossary with definitions of medical terms
- Useful resources with: specialized glossaries and useful links for medical interpreters.